To Nomi: My Argentine study-abroader and mi mejor amiga, to whom this blog is dedicated. Without you, it would simply be a URL.
Forewarning: I write like I talk, so if you care enough about me to read this, you will inevitably sift through verbiage. Strap in. Appreciate the tangents for what they are and laugh when I attempt to be funny. Comedic genius is much harder to convey through the computer.
I apologize if you think blogs are narcissistic--once upon a time, I did too. But, this is the most efficient way to relay stories, experiences, and adventures to everyone back home. Side note: this is a two-way street and I expect emails from everyone in the States. If I come back in June and things have gone awry (examples include, but not limited to: Newt Gingrich leaving his wife and marrying into the Schierberl clan, the discontinuation of Dunkin' Donuts ice-coffees, Ellen & Portia divorce) and I'm not forewarned, I will exchange your souvenir for elephant dung.
I could offer you generic adjectives to describe my current emotional state (nervous, anxious, stressed) but lets call a spade a spade: you're not reading this blog to find out that I feel the same way about South Africa as you do about the dentist. (Not to equate studying abroad in South Africa with going to the dentist, but oddly enough, there are some overlapping emotions).
I've thought long and hard about the next five months and I can tell you wholeheartedly that the anxiety and nervousness pale in comparison with how appreciative and excited I am. For your liking, I broke down my goals, hopes and expectations into a five-point plan:
1) Don't throw up on person seated next to me on plane. No matter how much I try, it will never be considered a bonding moment.
2) Eat new foods! (Shouldn't be a problem). (Warning: see #1: sensitive stomach)
3) Appreciate the language(s): Try and eavesdrop on people speaking Xhosa (click) as much as possible.
4) Embrace being out of my element (examples include: bungee jumping, swimming with Great Whites, safari)
5) Ride the elephant, don't let the elephant ride me. (To be understood literally and metaphorically).
The immense feeling of gratitude I have for the adventure that awaits is indescribable, and I can't wait to share my experiences with you!
Write soon!